The boy has grown up as an orphan on the streets where he was forced to steal by an evil master. The master demanded him to steal jewelry. The boy is particularly keen on pearls and their subtle beauty. He would sneak around the pearl diver's shops by the harbor for easy grabs. After an incident he drifted off to an island where he built his own boat and followed his passion for sailing. Until he heard about a thief looting jewels from sailors at sea and decided to catch the thief to gain the handsome reward and solve the mystery of the invisible thief.
The girl comes from the family of pearl divers. She's lost her mother at an early age and helps her father in diving and keeping their pearl shop. She lives a lonely and quiet life at the sea alongside her father, but finds visitors intriguing for they bring joy and excitement into her life. After her father become ill and unable to work she continues diving alone, venturing further out to the sea.
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